
Is your employer already B2Bike client and do you have an access code?

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Choose your type of bike
Speed pedelec
Recommended retail price
Per day cycled kilometers
Number of days cycled per month
What applies to you?
Lease by employer
Purchase by employer
Maintenance budget
1 star
2 star
3 star
Current ratio of gross to net salary
Standard tax rate
Low tax burden
Heavily taxed
Monthly costs (incl. VAT)
Final amount after 3 years
Impact on monthly gross salary, approximately
Impact on net salary, approximately
The amount paid after 3 years if the bicycle is purchased
Actual received value
(i.e., value of the bike + maintenance, insurance, breakdown assistance, and registration in the case of a speed pedelec)
Benefit for the employee in %
Benefit for the employee in €
Bicycle allowance in 3 years
Cost of the bike after deduction of bicycle allowance

Important disclaimer
This calculation provides an indication of the potential value of a hypothetical salary reduction, with which an employer could offset the external costs arising from providing a bicycle to an employee. These values are intended to illustrate the principle of salary exchange, as it can be applied under the supervision of the social secretariat. It is important to note that B2Bike acts exclusively as a supplier of bicycles and related products and services. We want to emphasize that we do not have the authority or expertise in legal, tax, and social matters related to employee compensation. For the bicycle allowance, we use the legal maximum in the simulation.

No guarantees can be inferred from these results, neither regarding applicability nor specific values. Mentioning this value does not automatically imply that the practical implementation of such a salary reduction is permitted within the framework of company and sectoral agreements, social and tax legislation, etc. We strongly recommend that employers seek guidance from their payroll advisors regarding the potential application of salary exchange in bicycle plans.

B2Bike has the ability to integrate the decisions and calculation methods determined by the employer and their payroll advisors into our online quotation tool afterward. This allows salary exchange calculations to be made according to the established methodology, preventing the HR department of the employer from having to perform this repetitive task each time. We are ready to assist and support wherever necessary.
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